Wednesday, May 2, 2012


Sorry for the loooong hiatus!  I've decided that it's time to start updating again.  I can't believe I haven't updated since June 11.  The kids are doing so many funny/monumental things every day that I decided I might regret not keeping up with this if I don't get back into it.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Logan Talking

My little buddy is starting to talk more and more.  What a sweet boy he is!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Logan Rolled Over!!

Logan started the year with a bang by rolling over for the 1st time!! Here's proof!

December Review

12/3/11 - Daddy was out of town, so I sent him this sweet picture of Logan 

12/3/11 - Tummy Time! 

12/11/11 - Holding his bottle for the 1st time! 

12/20/11 - "What??" 

12/22/11 - Sweet brother and sister! 

12/23/11 - She can't get enough of him! 

He's starting to talk so much! 

12/26/11 - Leighton loves her animals! Especially tigers! 

12/27/11 - Leighton LOVES the hat and feather boa that Poppa and Laura gave her for Christmas!

Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Year's Eve 2012

We recently purchased a new dining room table, so I have been anxious to have friends over to finally use this big new table.  We decided to host New Year's at our house.  We had babysitters at the Dickey's next door, so it worked out really well.  At bedtime, we just scooped up the children, brought them home and put them down in their own beds.  It was so much fun to finally celebrate New Year's again!!
Then we played a crazy game of Taboo.  lol

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Mom's Visit / Logan's 1st Trip to Samford Hall!

My Mom came to visit us to bring Christmas presents today.  After opening the presents, we headed to Auburn for lunch at Five Guys.  We LOVE that place and I couldn't believe it was my Mom's first trip there!  Because it was such a pretty day, we decided to walk down to see Samford Hall.  It was Logan's 1st trip there, so of course we had to take pictures!  It always makes for such a pretty picture too.  We love living in this town!

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Logan's 4 Month Bear Pics

My sweet boy is 4 months!! He's now 12 lbs 11 oz (10%/50% adj) and 25 in (25%/80% adj).  He's still nursing , but the BIG news for the month is that he's now sleeping through the night!!!  Wahoo!!!  He's getting closer to rolling over, but it hasn't happened just yet.  I got so lucky (or either my methods worked!) with both my babies.  They both started sleeping through the night at 8 weeks adjusted!!  Here's my big boy!!
Leighton loves to sit in on his bear pics!