Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Glorious Saturday

This Spring weather is putting everyone around here in such a good mood. First thing in the morning, Jonathan went fishing with Jimmie and Jeff, while I took Leighton to the park with Teri and Ryan. That makes it 3 times this week we've been to the park! L is really starting to get comfortable there. She runs around, while I chase her, so we all get the exercise. :) I was too busy chasing her to take any pictures there. Sorry! Jimmie and J got finished fishing while we were still at the park, so they met us there. J and I took L to the baseball fields and hit Ryan's plastic bat and ball around. It was getting J excited about playing baseball again and L thought it was funny every time he hit the ball.

Next, we went to Country's Barbecue for lunch. Because we were so close to Toomer's, we decided to ride by to see what the Toomer's Celebration was all about. We decided to go ahead and walk up to them, since it was such a pretty day, and boy were we glad we did! The trees were still looking as beautiful and lively as ever. It's hard to believe that they're actually dying--stupid Al. The mood there was serene. Nobody seemed depressed, but it wasn't as lively as it usually is after our football wins. People had thrown lots of memorabila around the base of the trees. Someone even left their 1989 Iron Bowl Program there. (For those of you who don't know, that was the first time it was played at Auburn. And yes, we did win. :) There was also a potted tree, rolls of TP, a teddy bear, football ticket stubs, posters, shakers, and get well cards around the trees. Since we weren't planning on this trip, I didn't have my camera with me. All the pictures below were taken with my iPhone. And I must say, they aren't too bad!

Aubie showed up at Toomer's right when we were leaving. What great timing!

"Hey Aubie! What are you looking at?!"

People were swarming him for a picture, so we're a little crammed. Seeing Aubie is always worth it though!

I think Leighton was getting a little scared by the sudden crowd. :(

The Toomer's Oak in all its glory.

Next, after leaving Toomer's we stopped by Kinnucan's in Auburn to meet #4 Zac Etheridge. He took a break from his twice a day/everyday practices for the draft to come meet and greet his fans. We bought the "ALL IN - Auburn's Run to the National Championship" book and he signed it for us.

We finally came home for sweetie pie to nap. That's why you see Baby in the picture above. She was getting a little tired by this point from such a big day! But the day wasn't over yet. After L napped, I rested, and J went for a bike ride, we went over to Jimmie, Teri, and Ryan's for a cookout with the Campbell family. Saturday has been the busiest, but most fun day we've had in a while. We are definitely loving being back in Alabama! This weather just keeps being nice, so we're looking forward to more wonderful weekends to come!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Meeting Daniel Riley

Saturday I had the opportunity to meet my 1st cousin, once removed, Daniel Whatley Riley. He was so cute, even though he was a little fussy when I held him! That was remedied when I got to feed him his bottle. It's weird b/c on one hand it seems like forever ago that I was bottle-feeding Leighton, but of course it's only been a few months! I love holding little babies now that I have my own. I'm so much more comfortable with them!

The Riley Family

Leighton's 1st Real Haircut

Leighton had her first real haircut Friday, Feb 11 at HairMasters. She did so good! Kathy, the stylist, said that she was her best 1st timer! That's my girl!!

Her face in this one is funny. She doesn't look happy. haha

But now she's happy playing with the comb! She loves playing with her comb at home.

All done! She has a little helmet. :)

I pushed her bangs over. Now that's much better!

Leighton's 1st Valentine's Party!

Here's our cutie pie in her V-Day outfit, courtesy of Sissy and Gia! And yes, that's a cookie in her hand. She nursed it, but ate the whole thing, bite by bite!!
She was so sweet, although she might have had more fun had I not been there! When I walked into the classroom, she was the only one sitting at the table. She was being so good, but then from the moment she saw me, she was attached to my hip and wouldn't sit back down. Well, at least not on chair, but rather in my lap. I think it's so sweet though! And yes, that little boy (his name is Wake) is chewing the foot of a doll! LOL