Sunday, December 6, 2009

One BIG Week!

What a big week Leighton just had!!! She's 4 months now, but 2 months adjusted. These are big things for a 2 month old!

  • She started sleeping through the night!! I was giddy with excitement on Thursday when I woke up at 9:30 in the morning, having last fed her at 11:45 pm the night before. She then continuously got better by going to bed even sooner. Last night, her last feeding was at 9 pm, then we woke her up at 8 am this morning!

  • On Friday during Tummy Time, she picked up and held for a few minutes one of her teething rings! I'm not sure if she knew what she was doing, but I think it still counts. :)

  • Finally, this morning during TT, she rolled over!! She had been flipping her little hips over for some time now, but couldn't quite figure out how to flip her upper body with them. Well, she somehow got her right arm under her. She started to get a little fussy not knowing how to get off her arm, so I flipped her hips over for her to show her how it's done. So then I flipped her back the way she was, and within a couple of minutes she rolled herself right over!

What a big girl she is!! :) Mommy and Daddy were so proud! (Especially the sleeping through the night part. We especially appreciate that one!)

Saturday we took our Christmas pictures on our front porch steps. This was the first time Leighton had been outside exposed and it was a little chilly. We weren't out there too long and got her warm again. Poor little thing got a red nose! (We went in right after this picture.)

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