Friday, January 22, 2010

It's already been 6 months?!

We're so proud of our baby girl! I can't believe she'll be 6 months old on Sunday! We have come such a long way from that little tiny 2 pounder lying all alone in her incubator. It still breaks our hearts when we think about how she came into this world, but we are so amazed and thankful for how great she is doing now. She's rolling all over the place now, which is a 4 month old ability even though she's only 3 months adjusted. She doesn't like sleeping on her back anymore. No matter how many times we put her back on her back, she flips right over to her tummy. It's so sweet. We are currently weaning her off the apnea monitor. She hasn't worn it during the day in over a month now, but we're weaning it off at night. In just a few days, she'll be completely wireless! She's over 11 pounds now! She's trying to hold her bottle. It's cute except when she's trying to pull it out of your hands and you're still trying to feed her! Her little legs are getting so strong. We hold her up and she'll stand on our legs for the longest time. Her vision is just where it needs to be. Her optometrist said her eyes are perfect and she doesn't need to come back for another year! She's still sleeping through the night and has been for a month now. We have definitely been thankful for that! She's just so alert and social now. She's just a happy little baby and it melts my heart when her eyes light up and she smiles so big for me. She's the greatest thing that has ever happened to us. We can't even remember what life was like before her. We're so in love!

She's having her first professional pictures done this Saturday. We hope she's well rested and in a good mood, but since she's such a sweet little girl, I'm sure she'll be just fine. I'll be posting the pictures soon, so keep looking back!

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