Sunday, July 25, 2010

Leighton is ONE!!!

Where has this year gone?? Our little baby is now a toddler!!!

Before we left, we let Leighton open up a few presents early. She's so excited!
Watching her open presents was much more fun this time! She looks so intent.
Yay, for the tea set!
On July 22, the day my water broke, we went back to El Porton to commemorate the occasion... b/c that's where it happened!
Leighton wanted to drive us down to Alabama for her party!
With the pretty birthday girl right before her party started!
Aunt Sissy w/ the birthday girl.
Family picture
The food tent w/ the birthday banner that I made for Leighton.
Leighton w/ her Great Aunt Kelly and Uncle Walt
Aunt Sissy and Eddie
Jonathan's good friend Matt Gilmore getting to meet Leighton for the first time!
Grammy, Uncle James, me, and Poppa
The beautiful watermelon cupcake cake and smash cake.
The birthday girl is so excited about the attention!
"I'm not so sure about this."
GGMu with messy Leighton
"But I sure did enjoy making a mess of it!"
Opening presents. She got so many great gifts!!

My good friend Teri. I miss hanging out w/ you guys!!
Some of Jonathan's family: Gia, cousin Kelly, her daughter Tessa, Kinsley, his Aunt Nancy, and Bunky
With Aunt Gigi and Uncle James
After the party, Leighton crashed! But she was so good the whole way through! Her nap ended up being almost 4 hours long! And yes, she still went to bed that night!
After the nap, she was ready to help Daddy put together one of her new toys.
The party was such a success! It was so great seeing all our closest family and friends all together in one place. It meant so much to us that everyone could come for Leighton's party. We look forward to seeing everyone again soon! And always stay posted for more pictures!!

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