Monday, January 31, 2011

Dad & Laura's Wedding - 1/15/11

My Dad and Laura got married in Atlanta and brought the Webb family together. It was so good seeing everyone again!!
With my Uncle Gary, Aunt Sherry, and cousin Taylor

Leighton with Aunt Sherry

With her uncles James & Justin

The Webb Family

I don't even know...

With the happy couple

Leighton with Justin's girlfriend Chrissie

Leighton eating yummy wedding cake

The happy couple during their 1st dance

Aunt GiGi dancing with Leighton to the song YMCA

Aunt GiGi and Uncle James are silly!

Leighton is so sweet!

Dancing with my dad

Leighton having fun on the dance floor to the song Shout!

Having their 1st Daddy-Daughter dance :)

Now it's a family dance

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