Thursday, May 19, 2011

End of Year Preschool Program

Leighton's 1st year at preschool came to an end on May 19. They had an end of the year program, and the one year olds even got to perform a song! They did the Teddy Bear song with motions. Our shy little girl just stood there, but at least she didn't cry! :)

Below are her sweet teachers Ms. Linda and Ms. Julie. They fell in love w/ Leighton (who wouldn't?!) and asked if she could stay back. Actually, we're wondering if we should... I think at this point, there's no harm in sending her on to the 2 year old class, since this is preschool, but it got us thinking. She was due in Oct, and by being early this would put her being the youngest in her class, instead of the oldest. We'll just have to wait and see how she progresses, but I think she'll be just fine. :)

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