Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Leighton's 1st Trip to Montgomery & Auburn

Leighton's great-grandmother, GiGi Mu as we were calling her, finally got to hold Leighton!! I've never seen Grandmother so happy and giddy. It was so sweet to see her with Leighton. She really knew what to do to make her laugh. I know Leighton really enjoyed herself just as much!

4 generations - 1983
4 generations - 2010 (funny how in both pictures, the great-grandmother is looking down at the baby)

All attention was on Leighton!

1st family picture in front of Samford. It was so surreal taking her back to where it all began. :)

Jonathan and Me under one of the oak trees at Toomer's Corner - 2003

Jonathan, Me, and Leighton under the same tree - 2010

While we were in Auburn, we had to ride down our old street and then visit our good friends the Dickeys. We hadn't seen Ryan since he was a baby! It was so cute seeing Leighton check him out.

Teri and Me with our babies.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! We were so glad you guys stopped by to see us! Miss Leighton is the most precious thing EVER! We miss you guys sooo much!
