Monday, June 7, 2010

Pulling herself up!

She just amazes me!!! She's acting more like her actual age than her adjusted age now.

Look What I Found!!

Our BIG girl standing in her crib!!!!! Time to lower the crib again!

Weekend Get-Away to St. Louis

Parents need a little time away every now and then, so Jonathan and I decided to redeem the Hilton points we've accumulated and take a free (hotel) trip to St. Louis. We had a blast and would definitely love to go back, but I can't be away from Leighton for that long again. We missed that little girl so much!!

First time in Missouri! We stopped at Lambert's in Sikeston, MO on the way up. Now I've been to this one and the one in Foley, AL.
Us gorging ourselves with food.
Me catching a roll.
The beautiful Arch in St. Louis.
A view from the Arch. The other side of the river is Illinois.
On top of the Arch.
The view from our room!!!
Delicious dinner at Tigin Irish Pub.
This one just cracks me up!
We went to the Anheiser-Busch brewery tour. We even got to pet a Clydesdale!
Some of the buildings on the brewery campus.
Where the business offices and bottling/packaging are.
Beautiful view from inside Busch Stadium. The Cardinals played the Brewers and beat them 5-4 in the 11th inning.
We were given free hats at the gate.
Dinner our last night at 400 Olive. It was sooo good! If you're ever in St. Louis you need to go there!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

10 Month Bear Pictures

Leighton amazes us everyday. It's so hard to believe that she's already 10 months! It seems like she's doing something new every other day; it's so hard to keep up with her! She's now pulling herself up to her feet, she'll walk several steps when you hold her hand, she's sitting up for very long periods of time, she'll get herself up on her knees and sit there for a while, she's cutting her two front teeth now, she rolls her tongue over (just like her Mommy!), she gives you the tightest neck hugs, and she'll smile so big when she sees the camera. She's just the happiest, sweetest baby! We're so thankful God chose us to be her parents!!

She's so excited!
Cheeeeese!! :)
The sweetest smile :)
Rolling her tongue.
Getting ready to talk.
Coming towards Mommy and showing off her teeth.
Laughing so hard she's falling over! :)

Brett & Kelly's Wedding

Two weekends ago we went down to Auburn for my cousin Brett's wedding. We were really looking forward to going down since we were seeing a lot of family who hadn't even met Leighton yet.

Here's Leighton with her Poppa. We were at Amsterdam's Cafe. YUMMMMM
Uncle James, Aunt GiGi, and LeightonUncle James, me, Grammy, and Leighton
Leighton with GG-Mu and cousin Sandy
The Webb side of the familyLeighton meeting her cousin Jay and his wife Crystal. They're expecting a little cousin for Leighton this November!
Leighton's meeting her Aunt Kelly for the first time!
All the cousins with their spouses and Leighton.
Brother, Sister, Spouses, and Leighton. This one is definitely frame-worthy!
With the Bride & Groom, the new Mr. and Mrs. Brett Riley!
Leighton peeking at us over the crib. That little girl is starting to pull herself up!
Leighton sleeping in the back seat on the way home. It was a busy tiresome weekend!