Wednesday, June 2, 2010

10 Month Bear Pictures

Leighton amazes us everyday. It's so hard to believe that she's already 10 months! It seems like she's doing something new every other day; it's so hard to keep up with her! She's now pulling herself up to her feet, she'll walk several steps when you hold her hand, she's sitting up for very long periods of time, she'll get herself up on her knees and sit there for a while, she's cutting her two front teeth now, she rolls her tongue over (just like her Mommy!), she gives you the tightest neck hugs, and she'll smile so big when she sees the camera. She's just the happiest, sweetest baby! We're so thankful God chose us to be her parents!!

She's so excited!
Cheeeeese!! :)
The sweetest smile :)
Rolling her tongue.
Getting ready to talk.
Coming towards Mommy and showing off her teeth.
Laughing so hard she's falling over! :)

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