Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Brett & Kelly's Wedding

Two weekends ago we went down to Auburn for my cousin Brett's wedding. We were really looking forward to going down since we were seeing a lot of family who hadn't even met Leighton yet.

Here's Leighton with her Poppa. We were at Amsterdam's Cafe. YUMMMMM
Uncle James, Aunt GiGi, and LeightonUncle James, me, Grammy, and Leighton
Leighton with GG-Mu and cousin Sandy
The Webb side of the familyLeighton meeting her cousin Jay and his wife Crystal. They're expecting a little cousin for Leighton this November!
Leighton's meeting her Aunt Kelly for the first time!
All the cousins with their spouses and Leighton.
Brother, Sister, Spouses, and Leighton. This one is definitely frame-worthy!
With the Bride & Groom, the new Mr. and Mrs. Brett Riley!
Leighton peeking at us over the crib. That little girl is starting to pull herself up!
Leighton sleeping in the back seat on the way home. It was a busy tiresome weekend!

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