This picture was taken a few weeks ago, but I thought it was so sweet. Leighton has a little boyrfriend. ;) At least we like his parents!

Opelika had their trick-or-treating on Thursday, October 28th, instead of on Halloween. We went out with our great friends and neighbors, Teri, Jimmie, and Ryan. Our neighborhood had such a great participation. There were so many kids and cars everywhere! I don't ever remember it being that crowded when I was a kid. I would've loved it! Leighton at first didn't know what to think. She was very quiet and shy, and didn't talk much at all, but she sure did make the cutest duck! She got lots of "awwws" from passer-bys and candy distributors. She was so good and never complained one bit! And that was after being out for an hour! Mommy and Daddy really racked up on the candy this year! ;)
She didn't like the hoodie at first, poor thing.
Ryan, the firefighter or firetruck as he liked to say :), and the cutest little duckie!
She finally left the hoodie on, but she still hasn't cracked a smile for us. She still doesn't know what's going on.
Getting ready for their stroller rides!
Family picture with a little duckie.
She was such a big girl walking to the door! And she actually looks like a duckie here b/c you can't see her face!
There it is!
She still doesn't know what to think!
What a sweetie!
The costume even came w/ a padded bottom! So cute!
2nd Family Picture
Learning to say "trick or treat" and "thank you"

3rd Family Picture - She loved to hold onto her pumpkin!

She finally warmed up to the strangers and reached in for the candy. Funny thing is all she would do is touch it. As much as she usually likes to grab at everything, she wouldn't pick any of it up! Silly girl!
"Ok Mommy, I've had enough of this!"