Friday, October 29, 2010

Funny Pictures of Leighton

Silly girl likes to lay on the floor now.
She lays her head down too. It either means, "No Mommy, I don't want any more food" or "Don't be mad at me, look at my cute face." She's a smart little one!
Silly girl laying on the floor again!
She thinks it's so funny!
LOVE LOVE LOVE this one!
She put the hat on her head herself!
Looking like a big girl, holding her baby doll and standing up so straight.
I think she looks just like me in this one. There's actually a picture of me looking down at my baby doll at about age 2. She looks a lot like I did in that picture.
Tonight at dinner, we went to a hole-in-the-wall Mexican place that had only 1 highchair, which of course was being used. Look at our big girl sitting up in the big girl chair all by herself! She didn't know what to think of it at all! lol
This is from another angle.

Leighton the Walker

She has become quite the little walker here lately. I finally got a couple of her steps on video. What a long way she's come! We're so proud of her!

Leighton's 1st Trick-or-Treating

This picture was taken a few weeks ago, but I thought it was so sweet. Leighton has a little boyrfriend. ;) At least we like his parents!
Opelika had their trick-or-treating on Thursday, October 28th, instead of on Halloween. We went out with our great friends and neighbors, Teri, Jimmie, and Ryan. Our neighborhood had such a great participation. There were so many kids and cars everywhere! I don't ever remember it being that crowded when I was a kid. I would've loved it! Leighton at first didn't know what to think. She was very quiet and shy, and didn't talk much at all, but she sure did make the cutest duck! She got lots of "awwws" from passer-bys and candy distributors. She was so good and never complained one bit! And that was after being out for an hour! Mommy and Daddy really racked up on the candy this year! ;)

She didn't like the hoodie at first, poor thing.
Ryan, the firefighter or firetruck as he liked to say :), and the cutest little duckie!
She finally left the hoodie on, but she still hasn't cracked a smile for us. She still doesn't know what's going on.
Getting ready for their stroller rides!
Family picture with a little duckie.
She was such a big girl walking to the door! And she actually looks like a duckie here b/c you can't see her face!
There it is!
She still doesn't know what to think!
What a sweetie!
The costume even came w/ a padded bottom! So cute!
2nd Family Picture
Learning to say "trick or treat" and "thank you"
3rd Family Picture - She loved to hold onto her pumpkin!
She finally warmed up to the strangers and reached in for the candy. Funny thing is all she would do is touch it. As much as she usually likes to grab at everything, she wouldn't pick any of it up! Silly girl!
"Ok Mommy, I've had enough of this!"

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Another big day for Leighton!

On Monday Oct 4, Leighton took 4 consecutive steps and drank milk straight from a cup! She later took 3 cons steps, then 2 1/2. It definitely won't be long before I'll be chasing her around! Then, at dinner, we gave her milk in a sippy cup. When she got towards the end, I decided to take the top off and let her drink straight from it. She did it all by herself! Of course, she got a little excited and decided to shake the cup. That's when she sprayed milk all over herself and the floor! Silly girl! She definitely had fun w/ it though!

My 28th

We moved back just in time! I was able to see most all of my family for my birthday and get my free birthday dinner from Provino's!

Leighton gets presents on Mommy's birthday too. Gia and Bunky bought her this fun car. I always wanted one when I was a kid!
She's having so much fun!
Family picture at home.
Family picture at Provino's.
4 generations.
Sissy and Eddie.
Leighton loved my free ice cream dessert.
Parish family picture.
Me and my baby!
GGMu playing w/ Leighton.
Leighton with a present from Grammy on my birthday. :)
Such sweet cheeks!
Leighton was tired and ready for bed after a big day!

Goodbye Memphis

Well, we've officially moved down to Alabama and had to say goodbye to Memphis. We don't regret for a minute having moved there 3 1/2 years ago. We feel that it was all in God's plan. If it wasn't for our time there, Jonathan wouldn't have been given the opportunity to go back to his old company as director and I wouldn't have been able to stay at home with Leighton, all of which are such great blessings. We are so happy to be home now, but of course there are some things we will definitely miss about Memphis, namely our church and good food. We'll have to definitely go back and visit soon!

Here we are with some church friends: Lindsey & Josh Hughes and Stephanie & Charlie Robnett
Leighton is helping us pack some boxes!
Leighton playing in the church nursery.
With our Young Adults Pastor, Parket Tenent, and Senior Pastor, Richie Sessions
Leighton with one of the nursery workers. She was so sweet and made Leighton a photo album of her time in the nursery. It about made me cry when she presented it to us.
Leighton is having fun playing in the boxes!

I had lunch one last time with my friend Jacqueline at our usual place Patrick's.
Here's Leighton's name on the roll call.
With part of my Tuesday morning Bible Study class.
A barbecue sandwich from Germantown Commissary.
THE barbecue nachoes from GC. Oh how I'll miss these!
Leighton has found the tupperware cabinet!
Eating for the last time at Deli Mexicana, yet another place I will very much miss.
They have the BEST limeades and guacamole dip!
My usual, the spicy tenga chicken tostadas.
Jonathan's usual, the mole tacoes.