Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Goodbye Memphis

Well, we've officially moved down to Alabama and had to say goodbye to Memphis. We don't regret for a minute having moved there 3 1/2 years ago. We feel that it was all in God's plan. If it wasn't for our time there, Jonathan wouldn't have been given the opportunity to go back to his old company as director and I wouldn't have been able to stay at home with Leighton, all of which are such great blessings. We are so happy to be home now, but of course there are some things we will definitely miss about Memphis, namely our church and good food. We'll have to definitely go back and visit soon!

Here we are with some church friends: Lindsey & Josh Hughes and Stephanie & Charlie Robnett
Leighton is helping us pack some boxes!
Leighton playing in the church nursery.
With our Young Adults Pastor, Parket Tenent, and Senior Pastor, Richie Sessions
Leighton with one of the nursery workers. She was so sweet and made Leighton a photo album of her time in the nursery. It about made me cry when she presented it to us.
Leighton is having fun playing in the boxes!

I had lunch one last time with my friend Jacqueline at our usual place Patrick's.
Here's Leighton's name on the roll call.
With part of my Tuesday morning Bible Study class.
A barbecue sandwich from Germantown Commissary.
THE barbecue nachoes from GC. Oh how I'll miss these!
Leighton has found the tupperware cabinet!
Eating for the last time at Deli Mexicana, yet another place I will very much miss.
They have the BEST limeades and guacamole dip!
My usual, the spicy tenga chicken tostadas.
Jonathan's usual, the mole tacoes.

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