Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Baby Parish #2

Leighton is going to be a BIG sister!!!! We are so thrilled that we will be adding a little BOY to our family!!! :) We had the ultrasound today and found out that he appears to be perfectly healthy. All ten fingers, all ten toes (we think since those can be a little harder to detect), both sides of the brain, the four chambers of the heart, the arms, legs, etc were all accounted for. :) She didn't detect spina bifida, cleft palate, or any other abnormalties either. He was butt down, going straight up and down, like he was standing. It's funny how my pregnancies are so different (but maybe that's a good thing). I kind of had a feeling he would be a boy for that reason, but I'm on cloud 9 to know for sure. Below I've posted some of the ultrasound pictures. Now the fun begins in decorating the nursery and picking out names. :)

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