Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Leighton's Milestones (at 20 Months)

Leighton is just amazing us everyday with what she’s learning.  I think she’s seriously picking up 1 or 2 words a day now.  I’ve been wanting to write down her milestones for the past couple of months, and I decided I better do it before I have too much to write down!  I thought it would be neat to look back and see what she was doing at 20 months.
·                     Mama
·                     Dadda
·                     Baby
·                     Juice
·                     Milk (or Guk to her)
·                     Fork (also Guk)
·                     Lunch
·                     Peas
·                     Plate
·                     Cup
·                     Pancake
·                     Breakfast
·                     Rice
·                     Bread
·                     Cake
·                     Cookie
·                     Brush
·                     Comb
·                     Eyes
·                     Nose
·                     Bye-Bye
·                     Hey
·                     Bubbles (that’s another baby of hers)
·                     Book (also Guk)
·                     Ball
·                     No
·                     Yes
·                     Bath
·                     Backpack
·                     Dora
·                     Boots
·                     Map
·                     Thanks
·                     Please
·                     Go
·                     Play
·                     What’s this?
·                     Bye Dadda
When you ask her, what does the (fill in blank animal) say, she knows:
·                     Moo
·                     Baa
·                     Quack, Quack
·                     Hoo
·                     Meow
·                     Snort (for pig)
·                     Neigh
·                     Ruff, Ruff

The body parts she can point to:
·                     Head
·                     Hair
·                     Eyes
·                     Nose
·                     Mouth
·                     Tongue
·                     Ears
·                     Tummy
·                     Foot
·                     Toes

Other Milestones:
·                     She will search for the correct hole to place a certain shape in her shape sorter ball, then line the shape up into the hole.  She can do most of them by herself and those shapes include: circle, square, star, cross, hexagon, and pentagon.  She struggles with the heart for some reason.
·                     She follows my commands at home very well. 
o       She’ll run to her changing pad when I say we need to go change her diaper. 
o       If she’s starting to stand on the couch, I’ll tell her to “sit down,” and then she’ll automatically sit down.
o       If I say, “it’s time for lunch,” she’ll run to her highchair.
o       When I tell her it’s time for a bath, she’ll run to the bath tub.
o       When I tell her I need to put her shoes on, she always runs to the same chair in our den (b/c it’s the one I started using to do so) and waits for me.
o       When I ask her to go find a certain toy, like Baby, she’ll run off and come back with it.
·         She climbs on everything now.  She’s really good at getting into her little chairs, and also sitting like a big girl on the couch to watch TV.
·         After watching me load the dishwasher and more specifically, seeing me put one of her sippy cups in there, she now will run and find her sippy in the house and come back and try to put it in the dishwasher when I have it open.

Other Fun Things about our Little Girl:
·                     She loves to give kisses and blow kisses.  If you ask for a kiss, she’ll give you one.  And sometimes if you’re lucky, she’ll just come up to you and give you a kiss on her own.  Those are Mommy’s favorites. J
·                     She LOVES Dora the Explorer (that’s where the words Boots, the Map, and Backpack came from).  If I turn to the Guide on our TV, she automatically starts saying “Dora” repeatedly, hoping that I’ll turn to it.  If the show is coming on, she gets so excited, grabs baby, and runs to the couch to sit like a big girl to watch it.
·                     When you’re sitting down, she loves to back into you and sit in your lap. 
·                     She also loves for you to read her a book. She’s forever bringing me a book to read to her, and of course, backs into me to sit in my lap.

That’s all I can think of for now!  I might think of more later, and will post an update if needed.

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