Monday, July 25, 2011

Megan's Wedding/29 Weeks!!

My cousin Megan got married on July 23, which fell during my 29th week of pregnancy. Leighton was asked to be a flower girl in her wedding, so we were extra excited about being there! We were a little nervous about how she would do since she's typically very shy, but she did so good! I held her hand as we walked all the way down the aisle. She did almost have a meltdown on the very front row when we were walking around to our seat, but I scooped her up just in time. Poor thing was so tired with no nap. She fell right to sleep once the wedding started! Like I said, I was 29 weeks pregnant, which made me a little nervous to be traveling, since that's the week that I had Leighton. I had a dr's appt a couple of days before the trip, and the dr said that everything looked good and that I should be ok to travel. Besides my ankles swelling really badly by the end of the trip, it was all worth it. Megan looked beautiful and Leighton was as cute as ever!

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