Monday, August 1, 2011

Leighton's 2nd Birthday!!

Since Leighton's actual 2nd birthday weekend fell the same weekend as Megan's wedding, we moved her party to the next weekend, July 31.  We had originally planned to have her party at the Sportsplex's sprinkler park, but a few weeks prior they had a health scare.  It seemed that wasn't a very good/safe choice anymore, so we moved her party to Jubilee Farm w/ a petting zoo, pony rides, and a hay ride around a lake.  The farm had pigs, llamas, sheep, ponies, and puppies.  It was a great decision, because everyone had a blast!  Leighton was beside herself getting to ride the pony that she asked to ride it again and again.  She even rode it all by herself, without us holding onto her.  We were so proud of her for being so brave!  And even though it was the middle of summer, the heat wasn't too bad.  There was a short and light rain shower while we went on the hay ride, but it was just enough to cool everything down.  We couldn't have asked for better weather or a more fun party!  I can't believe our baby is 2!!

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