Saturday, November 12, 2011

Zoo Trip!

We decided to take Leighton to the Montgomery Zoo bc it had been a very long time since she had been to any zoo.  This was only her second time going (here's the post about her 1st) and Logan's 1st time!  It turned out to be a really pretty day to be outside and surprisingly, it wasn't too crowded.  It had been about 13 years since I last went to the MGM zoo.  I went at the end of 10th grade to hear Edwin McCain.  Dawson's Creek, anyone?!  That goes way back! A lot had changed at the zoo, like the new park area, which of course Leighton loved, but the one thing that hadn't was mine and Jonathan's favorite spot as kids - the spider monkeys!  Leighton really enjoyed those too, since she knows all about monkeys, thanks to Boots!  Logan was a very good boy in his stroller, until he got a little fussy.  A little baby carrying was all he needed, and then he was just fine.  Here are some pictures of our trip!

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