Sunday, September 27, 2009

2nd Doctor's Appt & Sleeping

Well, she's almost 6 lbs now!! She weighed in at 5 lb 13 oz and is 18 3/4 in long, which is exactly one pound and one inch more than she was at her last appt two weeks ago. Now that it's Sunday, we guess that she probably is 6 lbs. Her preemie clothes and preemie diapers are barely fitting now, which is so exciting. She also got her first round of immunizations and actually responded very well to them. Besides the worst scream that I've ever heard that brought tears to my eyes, she didn't get the low-grade fever or loss of appetite that the doctor said would be normal if she did. She's such a good little baby. :) She doesn't fuss too much, just when she's hungry and sometimes right before she falls asleep, which is all to be expected.

She's also letting me sleep for a little longer at a time!! Ever since last Wed night, she's done what the doctor calls cluster feeding. She'll have two feedings very close together right before bed, then sleep for 6 hours! I'm definitely enjoying this, because I can get a 5 hour stretch instead of just 2-3 hour stretch like I was getting before, and I am definitely feeling better. I'm not quite as deliriously tired as I was before. I'm just plain tired instead.

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