Wednesday, September 16, 2009

First Doctor's Appt

Well, she had her first doctor's appt at Memphis Pediatric Clinic. It was pretty scary actually taking her somewhere for the first time. I've still yet to drive the car with her in it, but Jonathan was being extra careful. Thankfully, their office is only 5 minutes from our house. We really liked her doctor, Dr. Christian, who came recommended by a few friends. She weighed in at 4 lb 13 oz, so we were very relieved to hear that she had gained weight since coming home and that we were apparently giving her enough food. She was a good little patient and didn't cry too much. The doctor reinforced to us again how important it was that we limit visitors and not take her to any public places if we can help it. Also, if we did have any visitors, they need to have the flu shot, and we'll find out again if they should get the H1N1 vaccine once that comes out. Leighton absolutely cannot get sick right now. If she was to get sick, she would immediately have to be admitted into the hospital and we just couldn't live with ourselves if we knowingly exposed her to something. At the same time, we know that Jonathan still has to go to work and the grocery store and be somewhat exposed, but we can't help that, we're her parents and obviously have to be around her. So, let's just pray that we can make it through this flu season all healthy!!

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