Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Logan Comes Home!!

On Wednesday 9/7/11, the dr ok'd for Logan to finally come home!!  He was back to his birth weight of 5 lbs 6 oz.  I'm BFing him twice a day and pumping every 3 hours.  I still have to top him off with extra BM after I BF though to make sure he's getting enough.  We're set to come back in 2 days on Friday to have him re-weighed.  Unfortunately, big sister Leighton got sick right before he came home, so we had to send her to Montg w J's parents.  She will stay there a couple of days and come home by Friday.  It was so much fun bringing him home!!  We were so scared bringing Leighton home from the hospital, bc not only was she our first, but she came home under 5 lbs and w an apnea monitor.  We had the experience now, and he was just an easy baby!

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