Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Logan's 1 Month Bear Pic!!

I can't believe a month has passed!!  He now weighs 7 lbs 6 oz, so he gained 2 lbs since birth!  Thankfully, I was able to completely switch to 100% BM a week before he turned 1 month.  Wahoo!!  No more pump and no more bottles!!  It's such a wonderful feeling nursing your baby.  He completely relies on me for his food and I enjoy all the snuggles.  He's still not sleeping through the night, but we just moved him to his crib.  We decided to move both of our kids to their cribs by 1 month, so that they wouldn't become too accustomed to their bassinet the older they got.  The transition went smoothly for both of them.  Believe it or not, I enjoy getting up in the middle of the night with him.  Of course I'm tired, but I don't feel as deliriously tired as I did when Leighton first came home.  I guess my body has adjusted to being a mom now and that's why it was easier.  BFing him definitely makes those midnight feedings easier too.  I'm not going to lie and pretend that life is all roses.  I have my moments and near breakdowns as most new moms.  I think another big adjustment is the time and attention away from Leighton.  That breaks my heart more than I thought it would.  She has adjusted wonderfully to having him though, but I guess it's just bothers me more than them.

Anyway, I'm so excited to start these bear pics again!!

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