Saturday, October 1, 2011

September Review

I've decided to start a month in review at the end of each month to show the random pics of our daily lives. 
Learning to multi-task

9/9 - Teri gets to hold Logan for the 1st time! 

9/11 - One of Logan's 1st baths at home. 

The baby towel still swallows him whole! 
9/12 - Grammy came and stayed with us for a week!

9/14 - Leighton loves holding Logan! 

9/14 - So sweet! 

9/16 - Logan's 1st trip to the park and of course he slept the whole time! 
9/16 - Cousin Sandy came to see Logan too! 

9/17 - Aunt Gigi, Uncle James, and Banks came to meet Logan!
The new cousins line up and the rivalry's already begun 

James and I with our sons 

9/20 - Leighton loving on Logan again 
9/21 - Logan's cord stump finally fell off.  This is his 1st time in the baby bath tub! 
9/24 - Jonathan's parents came to visit. 
9/25 - Natalie Bennett was one of Logan's nursery nurses and she also goes to our church. 
Logan and I with Shelley Young and Addie Clark, who was born 2 weeks after Logan 
9/28 - Tummy time! 
Picking his head up! 
9/30/11 - Taking a nap with daddy!

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