Monday, October 31, 2011

Halloween 2011

While Leighton is in love with Dora, we knew she had to be Dora for Halloween and what made it even better was that Logan got to be Boots for his 1st Halloween!  What a cute pair they made!!

We also bought Leighton the Dora wig, but she pretty much refused to wear it ever, except for one time.  And I was able to actually get a picture!  She's so silly!

We then had to take the stuffed animal picture with Logan like we did for Leighton's 1st HW.  Aren't they cute?
Wow! They really look SO much alike as babies!

For Leighton to trick-or-treat, we decided to meet some friends in another neighborhood.  It was a lot of fun seeing all the kids having so much fun!  Leighton did so well this year, although she was still a little shy to actually say "trick-or-treat." :)

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