Monday, October 31, 2011

Leighton's 1st Dentist Visit

Last week, Leighton was following me through the kitchen in a run, then tripped and fell flat on her face.  She ended up chipping one of her front teeth, so I scheduled a dentist appt right away.  Poor thing!  We decided to go to Dr. Greenleaf at Auburn Pediatric Dentistry, b/c we had several friends who already go there.  She did pretty well on her 1st visit.  They even had a TV on the ceiling for her to watch cartoons.  She seemed interested in all the tools until it was time to actually use them in her mouth.  Logan, of course, slept through it all!  The dentist was able to check out her teeth really quick and said that the chip wasn't too bad.  Thankfully, it's just a baby tooth and will fall out.  There didn't appear to be any damage to the gum, so all in all, it was a good visit.  She even got to come home with a pink monkey shirt!

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