Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Logan's Hospital Stay

Logan stayed in the hospital for a total of 10 days.  The first 2 days, I was still there.  There was no change in his weight and he was still in his open warm bed.  I'm so proud of myself for writing down all these updates.  I'm going to be so glad later on to have these. I've also included pictures I took each day.

8/30/11 - Weight is still 5 lbs 6 oz. They moved him from the warm bed to an isolette.  You've received Mommy's colustrum, but it's not enough for your feedings, so they had to supplement w/ newborn formula, which is 5 cc/feeding. Silly boy loved to stretch out and stick his foot out the incubator's hole when it was left open.

8/31/11 - Weight down to 5 lbs 4 oz.  Finally producing enough breastmilk to switch you to a 100% bm diet.  You are tolerating your feedings much better now, b/c of this, and they have now risen to 10 cc/feeding.  The nurses made a sign for your bed!

9/1/11 - Weight down to 5 lbs 3 oz.  Feeding amts rise to 20 cc, by upping 2 cc every other feeding. Bilirubin level is at 9.1, which is still good.  So far no jaundice, which is very common w preemies!

9/2/11 - Weight down to 5 lbs 2 oz.  Feeding amts rise to 26 cc, and now they've added fortifier to my breastmilk.  Lowered IV amts from 10 mL/hr to 5 mL.  Bilirubin levels were 11.1, still below the 15 cutoff, when they would start phototherapy.  Went entirely to bottle feedings, instead of thru the feeding tube.  By that night, they took the feeding tube out, since you were not having any residual for the last 48 hrs. Yay! Making progress!

9/3/11 - Weight up to 5 lbs 3 oz!!  BF vigorously for 15 min in the morning.  Yay!! I'm still not allowed to BF at every feeding for fear of it wearing him out.  I try twice a day, in the morning and the night. The sweet nurses made Logan a sign for gaining weight back and in celebration of Auburn's 1st game of the season!  Logan came early, bc he was ready to wear his AU stuff and cheer them on!

9/4/11 - Weight up to 5 lbs 4 oz!! You were moved to an open crib this morning!  I tried BF in the morning, but you were too sleepy.  You had been taking 50-60 cc through the night, so we thought maybe you had a full tummy.  Then that evening, I was able to BF you for 15 min, then afterwards, you took another 20 cc through the bottle.  You were still maintaining your temperature very well that evening.  We also joined Trinity this morning (since we knew we might not be going to church for a while once you got home and we had planned to do so the day you were born).  They announced your birth during the service and had a single red rose in your honor!

9/5/11 - The dr agreed that he were almost ready to go home!  They asked me to come back and "room in" with him, since I didn't get to do that before I first left the hospital.  This way, I can practice with him, while still having the nurses as back-up.  Unfortunately, the 1st night of "rooming in," his temp dropped again and he lost an oz, so the dr wanted us to stay another night. The 1st night, Jonathan's dad and sister came to hold Logan for the 1st time.  His mom had come a few days before, but she visited him while in the nursery w Jonathan, and a picture wasn't taken.

9/6/11 - You did SO much better the 2nd night!  You kept your temp up and got back up to your birth weight of 5 lbs 6 oz!!

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