Friday, December 9, 2011

Aubie Claus!

One of the perks of living in the Auburn area is that we got to see Aubie Claus!!  Leighton knows all about Aubie, at least from the pictures she sees of him in our house.  I was trying my best to prepare her to meet him.  She even started repeating back to me what I had been telling her all day, "Sit in Aubie's lap and smile really big!"  We arrived to flip flop foto 30 minutes early and were the 2nd ones in line.  Aubie Claus showed up in a golf cart with an escort and was quickly whisked into the studio like a celebrity. lol  We only had a few minutes to capture the perfect picture, since the line was down the street and he was only going to be there for an hour or so.  Well, the moment we walked into the studio, Leighton lost it.  :(  Oh well.  Of course Logan was as content as he could be sitting in Aubie's lap.  The only way we could get her in the picture was for Jonathan to hold her.  So it became a family picture.  We weren't exactly coordinating with their cute matching outfits, but oh well, it makes for a great memory and captures their personalities!

After the picture, we had dinner at Las Margaritas with the Dickey's.  Leighton was in a much better mood by then!  And Logan was a sweetie at dinner too. :)

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