Saturday, December 24, 2011

Christmas Eve

Because we wanted to spend Christmas morning at home, we decided to spend Christmas Eve in Montgomery.  It worked out great, because I finally got to see my college roommate Lindsey and her husband Doug.  I haven't seen them since our trip to DC in 2007, so that means they hadn't met either of my kids!  It still seems weird at times that we're even old enough for kids!

After meeting with our friends, we spent the rest of the evening at Jonathan's parents house.  We had our traditional rehearsal dinner for Christmas Eve dinner, then opened presents.  The Christmas Eve before our wedding in 2004, Jodi decided to try out these recipes for a possible menu for the rehearsal dinner that they would be hosting that next April.  We had filet mignon cooked in the oven, fresh almondine green beans, wild rice pilaf, rolls, and mandarin orange salad.  It was all SO good that we've had it just about every Christmas Eve since.  We also have to take the family picture in front of the Christmas tree (a tradition that I started).

Finally, on our way out of town, we decided to stop by the house on Dalraida Pkwy that is always covered in lights.  Leighton loooved it! 

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