Thursday, December 1, 2011

November Review

11/3/11 - Big sister had to join baby brother during his tummy time 

11/6/11 - Logan's 1st time in his bumbo and he doesn't know what to think! 

 Now he's happy!

11/11/11 - Tummy time with his friend baby Kaylen 

11/16/11 - She's so proud! 

11/16/11 - He adores his big sister! 

11/16/11 - She's telling him "It's okay." :) 

11/17/11 - Trying on Daddy's shirt!  It's more than just a dress on her.  It looks like she's wearing a sheet! 

11/26/11 - She LOVES dressing up! 

11/29/11 - Daddy was out of town, so Leighton is telling him hey!

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